The WØRD – “Legacy”

From Chairperson Lavora Barnes

Last Thursday, President Biden joined with French President Emanuel Macron to honor the Greatest Generation: the men and women who, 80 years earlier, began the liberation of Europe with the D-Day invasion. The two presidents honored a legacy: the selfless sacrifices of thousands to protect the world from the threat of a racist, paranoid sociopath whose ambition was to rule the world.​ Thousands gave their lives that day so that we could live free.

President Biden’s D-Day Address

We owe the Greatest Generation a commitment to continue to fight for their legacy which is constantly endangered by would-be dictators and despots, foreign and domestic.

On Saturday, your Democratic Party celebrated its legacy with our annual Legacy Dinner. UAW President Shawn Fain was presented with the MDP’s Legacy Award for his inspiring leadership which led to a record-smashing contract settlement with the Big 3 domestic automakers, a contract which means a secure and prosperous future for not just UAW members, but for untold thousands more whose employment is directly tied to the auto industry.

The keynote speaker on Saturday brought her own legacy to the stage. Kamala Harris is the first woman, and the first person of color, to be elected to national office.

A day earlier, Joe Biden’s legacy grew with the announcement of still another month of jobs growth. 272-thousand jobs were added to our economy, bringing the total jobs growth under Joe Biden to a record-setting 15-million. The economists were nearly unanimous that taming the post-COVID inflation would result in a recession. Under the leadership of the Biden/Harris administration, we have instead experienced record-setting jobs growth while reducing inflation, and without a recession.

That same report, by the way, also showed wages rising at an annual rate of 4.1%, meaning real household incomes adjusted for inflation are going up.

In Lansing, Democrats are leading the way on the most important job of the Governor and Legislature: putting together the annual state budget which sets the priorities for Michigan’s next 12 months and beyond. One of the primary architects of the budget is the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, state Representative Angela Witwer.

Representative Witwer  is serving her third term representing the 76th House District, which includes much of Eaton County just west of Lansing.

She received her bachelor’s degree in business and marketing from Northwood University. Witwer began her professional career in clinical health care, working first in Sparrow Hospital’s burn unit and later as the manager of pediatric rehabilitation. The desire to help others, coupled with her clinical expertise, propelled Witwer to become manager of Sparrow’s community relations and marketing department.

After 22 years working in health care, she left Sparrow in 2007 to co-found Edge Partnerships, an award-winning public relations, marketing and advocacy group. During this time, she was a strong advocate for quality public education and community engagement, serving as the vice president of Waverly Community Schools Board of Education and was an active member of the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Economic Club committee, the Wharton Center for Performing Arts Advisory Council, and the McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation Board of Directors.

In the News This Week…

Ann Tenaes – Washington Post
Michigan Politics
Michigan Policy
GOP/Trump Outrages


Walt Handelsman – The Time-Picayune/The Advocate